"A Question | An Answer" on Spotify
We are proud to present (even if for now only in digital version) the new creation of NovAntiqua: "A Question | An Answer".
Stefano Zanobini with a delicate and magical viola d'amore explores the music of Tobias Hume, a baroque composer of Scottish origin, a bizarre figure with a reckless life, soldier of fortune for the Russian and Swedish armies, but also a great virtuoso of the viola da gamba and investigator - through his music - of the human soul.
Here you can listen to the recording on the Spotify channels, but the physical version will also arrive soon and we can't wait to present it to you, because, thanks to the precious collaboration of the incredible photographer Ari Jaaksi, we have created a real photographic book in which his photos reinterpret the music of Tobias Hume, with three chapters that offer a triple journey: the violence and energy of Tobias Hume's soldier of fortune, the sweetness and rhythmicity of his music, the depth and spatiality of his musical-philosophical reflections.
The format of the book will not be the classic one of a CD package, but rather a true photo book format: a "28x28cm" which enhances the artistic compositions of Ari Jaaksi.
This album is not the first to see the union between music and photography; in fact, we remember "Praeconium Solitudinis", with Enrico Gatti on the violin and photographs by Silvia Camporesi (https://www.novantiqua.net/prodotti/Praeconium-Solitudinis) and Royal Winter Music (https://www.novantiqua.net/prodotto/ROYAL-WINTER-MUSIC-on-), with music by Hans Werner Henze played by Marco Minà at the guitar and a photographic visit to Villa La Leprara, headquarters of the Henze Foundation.
In addition to Stefano Zanobini on viola d'amore, the album "A Question | An Answer" sees the participation of Hildegard Kuen on viola in the last (incredible, magnificent, panoramic, infinite, heavenly, philosophical) piece, which, with its Mahlerian length, helps us understand who we are and the reason of our life.
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